International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP) (12th : 2015)

Probabilistic analysis of soil-structure interaction Mirzaie, Fariborz; Mahsuli, Mojtaba; Ghannad, M. Ali


This paper studies the effect of soil-structure interaction on the seismic performance of structures taking into account the prevailing uncertainties. The motivation for this study stems from the significant uncertainty in the earthquake ground motion and in the properties of the soil and the nonlinear behavior of the structure. The soil-structure system is modeled by the sub-structure method. The uncertainty in the properties of the system is described by random variables that are input to this model. Monte Carlo sampling is employed to compute the probability distribution of responses that describe the seismic performance of the structure, such as the ductility demand. In each sample, a randomly generated soil-structure system is subjected to a randomly selected and scaled ground motion. The selection of the ground motion follows an “adaptive” procedure. An extensive parametric study is conducted to cover a wide range of systems. The results reveal the probability that soil-structure interaction increases the ductility demand on a structure designed according to fixed-base provisions of seismic design codes. For instance, certain structures designed as fixed-base but built on soil may experience higher levels of ductility demand. Furthermore, it is found that practicing the soil-structure interaction provisions of modern seismic codes increases the likelihood of significantly high outcomes of the ductility demand.

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